tiistai 20. joulukuuta 2011

2011 in retrospective

Now that this year is coming to its end, I think it would be great to look back and think about what we've done during these past twelve months. This year was a great one for us.

2011 started slowly. On the 2nd of February we played our first show of the year in Petäjävesi with Upright, the great Cold Inside and Guilty from Sweden. The day before the show I got a high fever and had to play the show sick. Every song was a bit of a struggle, but I managed to make it through without passing out on stage. Don't remember much about any of the other bands, though I remember being quite psyched about them before and during the night.

On March we had a small promotion tour of our split 7-inch with Molemminpuoleinen Varma Tuho that was due to be released before the trip but - as these things tend to do - didn't get to Finland in time, so we had to play our shows without the actual record. Had fun, though. The record came out in the beginning of April and we had its release show in Ilokivi, Jyväskylä. It was very cool to finally get our first vinyl release out.

On summer we started to focus on writing some new songs. The M.V.T.-split was great, but all the songs were starting to get quite old. We also wanted to get some diversity to our oh-so-fast -setlist and the new songs did come out a bit different than the songs we had made earlier. We asked our friend Kalle to come to our rehearsals and take the songs on tape so we could hear what they sound like when we're not playing them and if we liked them enough, use them as demos for the next release. And we did. The project was named What I've Seen after the slowest and longest song of the four.

On August we played our new songs for the first time at Lutakko Liekeissä -festival and stirred things up a bit more with a cover of Jimi Hendrix's Fire. The response wasn't that bad.

Last month we had four shows with Upright around Southern Finland. All shows were great and Upright's new songs are very good. My definite high point of this year was our show at Lutakko, where we played Rise Above by Black Flag. Haven't seen Lutakko go that crazy for a long time.

Right now we are writing new material and fine tune the songs we have for the next year's release. We plan to record them some time during this winter. Got a couple of things planned for next year, but more on them later.

Until then,
Have yourselves a merry little Christmas and a happy new year!
- Juska

maanantai 21. marraskuuta 2011

Back home

Last week was incredible. We had four shows with our very good friends also known as the band Upright. We had our driver Pete and our most trusted mosh-dude/bouncer/roadie Simo with us as well. The trip was amazing. Ydinperhe was amazing. The show, the people and sauna at Lutakko were amazing. Thanks to everyone who came to see us.

Maybe I'll write something more about the trip later. It sure as hell deserves it. Until then, here's some photos from the show at Lepakkomies: click!

It feels good to be home too, but going back to our every day normal lives doesn't.

PS. Can't stop laughing at this picture from Turku's Castle:

torstai 22. syyskuuta 2011

Demo 2009

Our 2009 demo cassette is going to have a repress by Ruori Records by the end of this year. We had a blast while we were recording it. Underneath is the studio diary we had during the time we recorded the demo. It's written in finnish, by Santeri and Maikki. We were not so sober back then.

Studio, eka ja toka päivä

  Eilen alko äänitykset treenamisen merkeissä. Theodoro oli supporttaamassa brandyn merkeissäå ja muillakin riitti menoa. Biisit saatiin kuntoon ja sit se kai oli pitkälti pämppäämistä ja muuta. Tuukan maailman paras sauna ja kämppä kestitsi oikein mainiosti.
  Tänään lähti sitten the real thing käyntiin eli äänitykset käyntiin pienen alkuhäsläyksen jälkeen. Tuukka ja pojat ajo vitun lujaa autolla ojaan heti aamusta mutta onneks naapurin bussi nykäs auton aika nopeesti ylös. Sit jatkettiin vähän rauhallisemmalla linjalla ja saatiin äänitykset käyntiin. Nyt on rummut purkissa ja kitarat vaiheessa. Tosin aika loppuu kesken mut ei se mitään, huomenna on uus päivä ja sit on vielä bassot ja laulu luvassa! Tästä jatketaan kaljalinjalla saunaan (joka on edelleen maailman paras) Suckers.

Nauhottaja-Samuli syömässä.

PS. Tein myös maailman parasta ruokaa, jos vähän liioitellaan.

Studio joku päivä

  Samulin kokkaustaidot on selkeesti huonommat kun mun. Tosin te ette tiedäkään, että olin uunin vieressä koko ajan enkä tajunnu ottaa pitsaa unnista. Imagine that.

  Luin ton edellisen merkinnän läpi ja ei hyvänen aika. Eipä paljon ton paskemmin voi ees kirjottaa mutta.. no juu. Tänään tosiaan herättiin tossa kahentoista maissa. Santeri on hautajaisissa joten ei olla tehty vielä oikein mitään. Tai no nyt Aki hakkaa rummuilla uusiks One Life BmxFreetä ja sit on Temsun vuoro rääkätä bassoa. Pojat nauraa tossa viereisessä huoneessa ja nauhalle meni tietty, toivottavasti ne jättää sen ihan levylle asti. Me tytöt, Hilma ja minä, otetaan rennosti olohuoneen riippumatossa ja ollaan vaan likasia ja haisevia. Terveiset myös "maailmanlopun finniltä".

Studiokoira Hilma.

Aki "pedissä".

Tuukka. Demo nauhotettiin Tuukan mökissä.

Studie XIV

  Rummut check, basso check, kitara almost check ja lauluja äänitetään sit yötä myöten, varmaan aika pitkälti varsin juopuneena, kun. Hilma on loistava almost-cooldog-studiokoira ja itken verta, kun mun pitää nyt päästä se takas Korpilahdelle. Damn. Sain silta turpaankin, huuli aiki ja rintaan jäi taistelujäljet, this girl is tough!

  Bassoissa ei kauan menny ja Temsu hoiti ne aika aamusta, joten suurin osa päivästä on ollu pelkkää nukkumista ja Tekkenin hakkaamista. Jinpachia ei vaan voita helvetti kukaan. Siispä mun on taas aika päivittää vähän. Tuukan kanssa väsättiin vielä herkullisempaa ruokaa ku eilen, mascarponejuustoa, aurajuustoa, cashewpähkinöitä, ruokakermaa, kasa erilaisia mausteita ja tuorepastaa. Oli vaan aivan liian hyvää, varsinkin siihen nähden, että ostettiin vaan mitä mieli teki ja sekotettiin ne keskenään. Santeri ja Vesa tuli sopivasti Salkkareille ja sit lähti äänitykset taas rullaamaan. Nyt Santeri hakkaa vihasena kitaraa ja Jaakko tuli Hilman tilalle. Jaakko toimii myös maskottina, vaikka Hilma oli ehkä vähän pörrösempi ja kivempi paijata, hahaha.

  Temsu on muuten kertonu paskoja vitsejä kaikki nää kolme (?) päivää mitkä ollaan oltu täällä. Ei se mitään, me annetaan se sille anteeksi.

  Huomenna on enää kai köörihuudot jäljellä eli tervetuloa. Temsu vie paskat vitsinsä tosin muualle puolenpäivän aikaan, harmillista. Sit kun on tääkin päivä purkissa niin on aika avata New Time Terror -kuohari! Hell yeah!

Hilmaakin hölli.

Petri Nygård täällä!!!!!

"roudari haisee eilen"

  SANON SUORAAN SAATANA!!!! ollaan miksausvaiheessa tai jossain vastsaavassa, maikki poseeraa gasmask päällä, (apokalyptinen kuuma misu) ja yhteen biisiin lisätään paria hätästä hauskaa samplea tribaalihomoista ja niiden kurituksesta paraikaa. nyt on tuukallakin maski päässä ja huohotus kuuluu naapuritaloille asti.

  eilen illalla tulin hautajaisista noin seiskan aikaan vasta joten päivällä ei voitu saada muuta aikaan kuin bassot jotka temsu oli sankarillisesti purkittanut kaikki ykkösellä ineen. mutta kello seiskasta eteenpäin painettiinkin sitten TÄYSIÄ! toiset tuplakitarat (siis neljät kitarat yhteensä joka vitun biisiin!!!), juskan laulut, temsun, akin ja mun yksinlaulut ja lopuksi eeppisen epäsovinnaiset köörit!! näitä biisejä ei muuten omalle mummolle soitella. köörien purkituksen jälkeen kello olikin jo KAX ja oli aika korkata skumppa labelia NTT!!! samalla otettiin erittäin väsyneen paskoja "promokuvia" ja saunan jälkeen suoraan nukkumaan koska kello oli jo viisi, lapset heerätkääää juhani ja liisi, muuten matka jäääääää.


hevimunat samuli ja petri nygård

  Eli nyt aamulla ollaan lähinnä nukuttu, hakattu (tekkeniä), haistu ja painittu. kohta annamme maagisen loppusilauksen parille biisille jonka jälkeen ne katoavat netin ihmeellisiin syövereihin. how fun! koko sessioiden saaliina on kaheksan vitun kovaa biisiä ja seittemän (7!!!!!) säkkiä. pulloja.
mulla on ollu ehkä paras syysloma ikinä, parasta! i love it.

keskiviikko 7. syyskuuta 2011

Fall 2011

  Yeah, September.. It's starting to be dark and cold here in Finland again. Thought I should write something about our plans for the end of this year.

  For starters, thanks to everyone who came to see us at Lutakko Liekeissä two weeks ago! It was cool. It's always fun to play new songs.
  We also put some new t-shirts out, check 'em out if you haven't already. The design was inspired by Martin Scorsese's movie Taxi Driver from which we also have a song about. Speaking of songs, we're gonna hit the studio next month to record our first EP called What I've Seen. It will come out as a 7-inch some time between late 2011 - early 2012. Right now we have 4 songs for the EP, and a couple more under writing progress.

  We're playing another local show here at Rentukka, Jyväskylä this month with Molemminpuoleinen Varma Tuho, Ydinmätä, Flash Gordon & Masters of the Universe (they play surf) and Dirty Harry Go Round! (some country stuff). An interesting line-up, I would say.. After that there won't be any shows for a while before the tour in November.

  "Oh, a tour?", you might ask. That's right. We're having a small finnish tour with our friends Upright this November, starting from Tuesday the 15th. We're playing at Turku, Hämeenlinna, Helsinki, Kouvola and Jyväskylä. More info about the shows and their venues later.

 That's quite about it. Santeri moved to Helsinki last week. Let's hope it won't slow us down too much.

- Juska

keskiviikko 20. heinäkuuta 2011

American Nightmare

DAMN. I really forgot how great this band was! Today I noticed a link on Facebook to a page containing the VHS rip of their 2001 Eurotour. Click here to check it out for yourselves.

American Nightmare made a huge impact on me a few years back, when I was going through a lot of emotional stuff that teenagers usually tend to get themselves into. It has been some time since the last time I listened to their stuff and I gotta tell you.. It hit me hard as hell. Again.

For those who haven't heard of AN before:

"I was counting
The good things about this city
The only good thing is you are not here
When you're around it
Makes it hard to be what I need to be
I was trying to breathe
I was dying to breathe

I was hoping I'd never
Have to write this song again
The kind of song that makes
You want to hang
Your headached - head
And I was hoping
That I would never fall in love again
'Cause that would be the end
Of everything (you're everything)

My parents fell in love
And all I got was life
And all I ever wanted
Was to not be alone
I've been wearing this new outfit called
"Quit while you're ahead"
Your smiles are the end
Your eyes are the end

I was hoping I'd never
Have to write this song again
The kind of song that makes
You want to hang
Your headached - head
And I was hoping
That I would never fall in love again
'Cause that would be the end
Of everything (you're everything)

Just hang your head
Just close you eyes
Just hide your heart
Hide your heart

I believe that when I'm gone
My love will live in song
This is not where I wanted to be
I wanted to be
I believe that when I'm gone
My love will live in song
This is not where I wanted to live
I wanted to live"

- Juska

torstai 30. kesäkuuta 2011

Taking it easy

Last week I started my summer vacation by going to see Foo Fighters play at Helsinki's kalasatama. It was cool. A long set with many great songs.
After the show I went to spend some time at my mom's place in Joutsa. Very relaxing. Small towns like Joutsa are the kind of places where some people run from and some run to. Now I see that to me, it has been both.

Since the last time I visited Joutsa, our family had grown by one. We have a small, 8 week old kitten there now and she's adorable. You know how kittens are, playful, fun and cute. And she's all that.
Yesterday I went to have a workout at the local Gym, the same place where I went for the first time when I decided it was time to start doing something for my body and health. It's not like I have the body of a bodybuilder nowadays either, but you should've seen me before I started this thing! Anyway, it was fun.

Today I woke up at 7am and went for a morning swim with my mother, sister and brother. Then we had breakfast and hopped on a car to Jyväskylä. Now, I'm writing this blog-entry at my appartment while listening to some great records, drinking coffee and thinking what I'm gonna do today. It's time to spend a few days here now with my friends. I still have the next week free, off from work, and I'm going back to Joutsa next week before my vacation ends. The first week of holiday has been great. My nerves really needed this.

Oh yeah, the tickets to this year's Lutakko Liekeissä -festival are now on sale! The headlining acts include Discharge and Fucked Up. We're playing there too. For all the bands, go to www.lutakkofestival.com and buy yourself a ticket!

- Juska

torstai 23. kesäkuuta 2011

Summer vacation


We did a demo session with Kalle yesterday. 4 new songs for the upcoming EP. We'll let you know when the actual recordings are going to take place. Here's a sneak peak of what's coming up:

tiistai 21. kesäkuuta 2011

Provinssirock 2011

Just came back from an 8 day long trip to Seinäjoki, where I was working for this year's Provinssirock. I got to be a part of building - and disassembling - Finland's biggest festival stage yet. It sure was an experience all right.
The main stage.
I also got to see some great shows there. I really enjoyed watching Jenni Vartiainen's pop tunes (and Jenni herself, 'cause that woman's got some sex appeal. DAMN!) and Graveyard kicking with their 70's groove. I suggest you go to a record shop, find their newest album Hisingen Blues, and listen to it as soon as possible.

Jenni Vartiainen.

Tomorrow we're gonna record some demos of our new songs. Very excited about that.

- Juska

lauantai 4. kesäkuuta 2011

Graduation parties, old friends & good times

Yesterday I went to a couple of graduation parties. My two cousins graduated from vocational school - one as a practical nurse, the other as a tailor. The party was held at my grandmother's place in Toivakka, where all my cousins and I used to spend all our summers as a small kid. It's a place with lots of very good memories.  I really enjoyed spending time there with my family, since I rarely get to see them nowadays. 

After that I went to my hometown Joutsa to celebrate my best friend Antti's graduation. He's got himself a profession now too, as an electrician. The graduation party was full of his relatives and friends. It was great to see all those people too, I've always liked Antti's family a lot and it's always cool to see people you go way back with. 

Today I went to a couple more graduation parties here in Jyväskylä. Santeri and Jesper graduated from high school with great papers. The food at both parties was great too. Thanks, families Suominen and Perälä!

Tonight has some pretty big plans too. My workplace has a party to celebrate the end of a good season at the house and the start of summer and I'm going there.

This weekend is full of people. Friends, old and new. Sadly, one friend lost, too..
Rest In Peace, Elvis Rantalainen. May your afterlife be full of tasty bones to chew and rabbits to run after.

- Juska

torstai 26. toukokuuta 2011

Lutakko Liekeissä!

We're playing at this year's Lutakko Liekeissä -festival. That's pretty awesome. The new site's also in a somewhat publishing-shape. Still working on the domain name.

Tomorrow I'm going to see Lama play at Tavastia. Can't wait! Their set at Lutakko last week was something you could call a mindblowing experience. Definitely one of the best finnish punkbands EVER. Check it out for yourselves:

- Juska

keskiviikko 25. toukokuuta 2011

New site & blog

I've been fighting with blogger for the last few days now. New site's starting to get together. It may not be all fine and fancy, but I find it more suitable to us than a mere page on Facebook, a lame-ass MySpace-page or a Bandcamp-profile that has nothing but songs in it. Hopefully this thing is good for you guys too. I'm gonna keep updating our stuff on the main page and use this one more as a blog, where I and the other TR guys can write what we want, when we want. So make sure to keep an eye on this one too if you're interested.

We don't have a lot of shows coming up right now, focusing on writing new stuff, but it would be cool to play some shows during the summer. Hopefully something will come up.

School's almost over, go skate!
- Juska